FAQ What are the login data (username / password) of the router?

1. Default router login data for mdex router
2. Default router login data for Teltonika RUT-series
2. Secure login password in case of pre-configuration by mdex

1. Default router login for mdex router

Here you will find the default router login data, without special pre-configuration by mdex.

  MX530 / MX880 MX560 RUT104 / MX510 MX760 & Advantech-Router MX200
Username: admin admin admin root admin
Password: M#Serialx
MOVED TO... Version 02.453, or newer (1

MOVED TO... Version 02.400, or older (1
admin01 admin01 P{Last 8 digits of S/N}h
MOVED TO... S/N ACZ11000012..., or newer (2

MOVED TO... S/N ACZ11000011..., or older (2

1) To increase security, the default login password has been changed from 'admin01' (until firmware version 02.400) to the format 'M#{Serial}x' (since firmware version 02.453), e.g. M#1102699330x. The serial is located on the label at the router bottom or box.

2) To increase security, the default login password has been changed since S/N ACZ11000012xxxxx from 'root' to the format 'P{last 8 digits of S/N}h' , e.g. P01234567h. The default login password is located also on the label on the router bottom at "Def. password".

2. Default router login for Teltonika RUT-series

Here you will find the default router login data for Teltonika RUT-series.
  Factory default mdex configuration w/o public.IP mdex configuration with public.IP
Username: admin admin admin
Password: admin01 M#Serialx (1 automatically generated password (2

1) All Teltonika routers without public.IP are preconfigured by mdex with the login password in the format 'M#Serialx', e.g. M#1102699330x. The current router login data can be taken from the enclosing configuration sheet or the mdex Management Portal mCOP_Logo_small.png, see here.

2) All eltonika routers with public.IP are pre-configured with a secure automatically generated login password. The current router login data can be taken from the enclosed configuration sheet or the mdex Management Portal mCOP_Logo_small.png, see here.

3. Secure login password in case of pre-configuration by mdex

Especially in the case of an individual pre-configuration or when using a public.IP (e.g. as 'LTE per package'), a secure login password is set in the router for security reasons. The secure login password is supplied with the mdex router as an additional label.

If the additional label can no longer be found, the login password of the mdex router can also be read out in the mdex Management Portal mCOP_Logo_small.png:
  1. Login to the mdex Management Portal mCOP_Logo_small.png.
  2. Open the desired Device. For example, you can also enter the desired Device or SIM card in the search field at the top:
  3. At the Device the router login password (on delivery) is displayed in the Asset-Infos at Router/root-Password:

If the current login password has lost
In case of lost/forgotten login password you must reset the router to factory default (according to the Setup Guide) and reconfigue the router.