Advantech Router

Here you will find all Advantech router manuals and informations:
Advantech manuals

Advantech Manuals

All instructions and information on the installation of the router are available on the Advantech homepage:

TIP The instructions and information for all Advantech routers are available at


In the following FAQ's you will find answers and suggested solutions from the mdex experts to questions about the Advantech routers.


The latest firmware files for all Advantech router models are available for download at

  1. Download the firmware for the desired router model from
  2. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
  3. Log in to the Advantech router.
  4. We recommend that you first make a backup of the current router configuration under Administration -> Backup Configuration.
  5. Under Administration -> Update Firmware, select the firmware file (xxxx.bin) required for the router and start the update.
  6. The firmware is updated, the current configuration settings of the router are automatically adopted.