Teltonika Router
Here you will find all manuals and instructions of Teltonika routers:
Teltonika manuals
Please note the changed WebUI layout since firmware version R_00.07 for mobile network settings (APN, username, password):
- Since firmware R_00.07.03:
- Since firmware R_00.07.05:
- Since firmware R_00.07.08: or .
Teltonika manuals
The following is a list of the most important router settings, exemplified by the RUT955.
(The WebUI structure is almost identical for all Teltonika routers).
WebUI (Legacy Firmware) |
WebUI (ab Firmware Version R_00.07.03) |
Legacy WebUI |
Mobile settings: |
Network -> Mobile |
(PIN, Service Mode, ...) 1 (APN, Username, Password) MOB1S1a1 SIM1 MOB1S2a2 SIM2 (nur Dual-SIM-Router) |
Failover (WAN <-> Mobile): |
Network -> WAN |
Port Forwarding: Individual: Alle Ports & Protokolle: |
Network -> Firewall -> Port Forwarding
Network -> Firewall: DMZ |
Router remote access: |
System -> Administration -> Access Control |
WiFi: |
Network -> Wireless |
Mobile status: |
Status -> Network |
1 Until firmware version R_00.07.03 at "Network -> Interfaces -> General".
All notes, instructions and descriptions for the installation of all Teltonika routers are available at .
In the following FAQ's you will find answers and suggested solutions from the mdex experts to questions about the Teltonika RUT series.
Further informations and FAQs can be found in the .
Here you will find all the links to download the respective firmware and the instructions to perform the firmware update.
Firmware Download |
Update Instructions |
RUT240 |
1 |
RUT241 |
RUT950 |
1 |
RUT951 |
RUT955 |
1 |
RUT956 |
RUTX11 |
RUTX50 |
1 Important notes about legacy firmware.
- Only the RUT240, RUT950 and RUT955 routers were shipped with the Legacy Firmware and are compatible with it.
- Updated "Legacy FW" versions are still offered by Teltonika, which contain relevant security updates. We recommend that routers with legacy firmware only update to a newer legacy firmware.
- When using an mdex Easy SIM (KPN), ensure before upgrading from the "Legacy Firmware" to the current firmware version (R_00.07.xx) that the MTU is set to 1500 and not to 1120. For further instructions see FAQ Setting the MTU of an mdex SIM card.
- Please note that when updating the firmware from a "Legacy FW" to the current "Factory FW" (R_00.07.xx), an automatic migration of the router configuration is performed, provided that the corresponding option "Keep all settings" is selected in the router interface during the update process. However, we recommend a detailed test of the router functions after the update, as some configuration parameters may not be adopted correctly.