Teltonika Router

Here you will find all manuals and instructions of Teltonika routers:
Teltonika manuals

Please note the changed WebUI layout since firmware version R_00.07 for mobile network settings (APN, username, password):

Teltonika manuals

The following is a list of the most important router settings, exemplified by the RUT955.
(The WebUI structure is almost identical for all Teltonika routers).

WebUI (Legacy Firmware) WebUI (ab Firmware Version R_00.07.03)
index Legacy WebUI index WebUI
Mobile settings: line_ur Network -> Mobile line_ur Network -> Mobile (PIN, Service Mode, ...)
line_ur Network -> WAN 1 (APN, Username, Password)
dot_lr MOB1S1a1 MOVED TO... SIM1
dot_lr MOB1S2a2 MOVED TO... SIM2 (nur Dual-SIM-Router)
Failover (WAN <-> Mobile): line_ur Network -> WAN line_ur Network -> Failover
Port Forwarding:
Alle Ports & Protokolle:

line_ur Network -> Firewall -> Port Forwarding
line_ur Network -> Firewall: DMZ

line_ur Network -> Firewall -> Port Forwarding
line_ur Network -> Firewall -> DMZ
Router remote access: line_ur System -> Administration -> Access Control line_ur System -> Administration -> Access Control
WiFi: line_ur Network -> Wireless line_ur Network -> Wireless
Mobile status: line_ur Status -> Network line_ur Status -> Network

1 Until firmware version R_00.07.03 at "Network -> Interfaces -> General".

TIP All notes, instructions and descriptions for the installation of all Teltonika routers are available at


In the following FAQ's you will find answers and suggested solutions from the mdex experts to questions about the Teltonika RUT series.
TIP Further informations and FAQs can be found in the Help-Center.


Here you will find all the links to download the respective firmware and the instructions to perform the firmware update.

Firmware Download Update Instructions
RUT240 RUT240 Firmware Downloads 1 RUT240 Update Settings
RUT240 Firmware Upgrade Settings (Legcay Firmware)
RUT241 RUT241 Firmware Downloads RUT241 Update Settings
RUT950 RUT950 Firmware Downloads 1 RUT950 Update Settings
RUT950 Firmware Upgrade Settings (Legcay Firmware)
RUT951 RUT951 Firmware Downloads RUT951 Update Settings
RUT955 RUT955 Firmware Downloads 1 RUT955 Update Settings
RUT955 Firmware Upgrade Settings (Legcay Firmware)
RUT956 RUT956 Firmware Downloads RUT956 Update Settings
RUTX11 RUTX11 Firmware Downloads RUTX11 Update Settings
RUTX50 RUTX50 Firmware Downloads RUTX50 Update Settings

1 Important notes about legacy firmware.
  • Only the RUT240, RUT950 and RUT955 routers were shipped with the Legacy Firmware and are compatible with it.
  • Updated "Legacy FW" versions are still offered by Teltonika, which contain relevant security updates. We recommend that routers with legacy firmware only update to a newer legacy firmware.
  • When using an mdex Easy SIM (KPN), ensure before upgrading from the "Legacy Firmware" to the current firmware version (R_00.07.xx) that the MTU is set to 1500 and not to 1120. For further instructions see FAQ Setting the MTU of an mdex SIM card.
  • Please note that when updating the firmware from a "Legacy FW" to the current "Factory FW" (R_00.07.xx), an automatic migration of the router configuration is performed, provided that the corresponding option "Keep all settings" is selected in the router interface during the update process. However, we recommend a detailed test of the router functions after the update, as some configuration parameters may not be adopted correctly.